2020 Season Information
We are playing!
Thanks to all that are in this program and have decided to be a part of our community. It has obviously been a very difficult few months and we are looking forward to providing some bit of normalcy & fun for our players on the court.
Normally, we would have an in person TIP-OFF meeting and go over everything for the season–consider this page the OFFICIAL TIP-OFF for the season! There is a LOT to cover, so let’s get started!
Grade Director Introductions
Each grade has a director that keeps track of the progress of the players and coaches. I work closely with them in season to make sure all of our teams are making progress. If you have any questions when we are in season, please go to them. If you need more clarification, you can always go to me!
3rd Grade
TBD (Tom Luzarraga for now!)
4th Grade
Mike Anderson
5th Grade
Marty Salcedo
6th Grade
Andrew Ryba
7th Grade
Arneal Long
8th Grade
Kyron O’Brien
We keep our program fees low through fundraising and also being able to use facilities within our school district. This year, at times we may have to use facilities outside of the district for practices. We typically practice at Kiewit Middle school, North Middle school and Millard North High school.
We will likely start our weekly practices in September. The MPS district decides when we can get into the district gyms.
We practice 2 times a week typically on Mondays and Wednesdays between 6-9 p.m.
PLEASE NOTE: If your son is in a Fall sport that is the priority. Please try to make as many practices as possible so we can evaluate our players.
We currently have workouts scheduled for grades 3rd-7th for the next 5 weekends at The Factory basketball facility. These are optional and not mandatory if your son has a conflict with a Fall sport. Grade directors should have reached out toyou about this opportunity to get better!
Team Placements
Team placements for players will be decided by the each grade director and their coaches. Please do not focus too much on BLUE/SILVER and WHITE teams. Based on the progress and development of the team, they may play in different divisions for league and tournament play.
These placements are fluid and are based on attitude, effort, improvement and performance. Players are always being evaluated and some will be moved.
The most important thing is “fit” and making sure your son is on a team where he will develop at rate to his ability. For example: A player that is not ready for a higher level team will see their playing time affected because the pace of play is not in line with his development. In turn their growth as a player may be delayed and they will typically get frustrated. No one wants that! On the other hand: If a player is playing at a level where he is not challenged, that will also delay their development and lead to frustration. It is all about FIT.
After teams have been placed, you will have a meeting with your assigned coaches to go over plans for the season and practices. We will also release a league & tournament schedule for the Fall session. The tournament schedule for the Winter session will be released over winter break. All schedules are subject to change based on coach availability and the progress of individual teams.
Teams will not necessarily play the same amount of games. Teams may not necessarily play in the same tournaments. Different teams develop at different paces.
League and Tournaments
Most teams will play in the OSA Fall and Winter leagues. League play will start the weekend of October 17th.
Teams will play in tournaments throughout the season. We do not typically have a “set amount” of tournaments that can be played. The amount of tournaments played by teams varies depending on the development and progress of the individual teams. The average Junior Mustangs team plays between 6-12 tournaments in a season in addition to 2 sessions of league play, or anywhere between 35-50 games. Older teams typically play more games.
Each year, we have an out of town tournament (2-3 hour drive max) that is program wide and takes place sometime in February. We will revisit this option later in the season.
Paying Fees for the Season
The remaining balance of $350 will be due sometime in October. This may be reduced based on how the season progresses, potential financial uncertainty of our families and if the season is affected by COVID-19. Once again, our plan is to play and have a Fall and Winter season.
We will work with you on payment plans and fee schedules. The most important thing is your son is part of our program and with his teammates and friends. COMMUNITY!
All fees can be paid here.
Uniforms and Warmups
In a “normal year” we would do a uniform and warmup fitting within the next week or so. As we know, this is not a normal year. This year we are going to do something different:
The program will purchase and provide a Mustangs basketball jersey for all players that they will get to keep. Please provide for your son black shorts to wear with our jersey.
Typically, the majority of your $150 deposit goes to uniform, shorts and warm up along with some overhead costs. We are sensitive to the financial uncertainty that some of our families are facing and want to extend out our fees collected to cover paying for additional gym space needs and unforeseen costs due to COVID-19. For the 3rd year in a row, we will not raise our fees!
Mustangs Basketall Gear and Clothing
We are in the process of putting our team store together and should have it out to everyone ASAP. Gear up and support the MUSTANGS!
COVID-19 Waiver and Program Guidelines
It is a necessity put upon our organization from the facilities that we use for gym space to provide a COVID-19 waiver in order to use a practice facility or to play games in a league or tournament. Please take the time to read and fill out the waiver form. This must be filled out completely on our website before any player can participate in Mustang Youth Basketball!
Parent/Guardian and Player Codes of Conduct
All players and parents must fill these out before the start of the season or they will not play:
Junior Mustangs Roundup / Lady Mustangs Stampede
Save the dates!
We are hosting these tournaments again this year and will need a lot of volunteers to keep these running! This is a fundraiser for us that pays for equipment and keeps our fees low.
4th Annual Lady Mustangs Stampede
November 6-8
4th Annual Jr Mustangs Roundup
November 13-15
4th Annual Mustangs Basketball Golf Outing - Semtember 20 @ 2 P.M.
Please join us for our 4th Annual Mustangs Basketball Golf Outing on Sunday September 20th at 2:00 p.m.! The outing will take place at Pacific Springs Golf Course.
This is a great opportunity to get outside and support the youth basketball programs AND the MNHS boys and girls basketball teams. Get your group together, have fun, meet new people in our program and golf with the coaches!
Want to find another way to support our basketball programs? Become a sponsor and be a part of our community!
More information is available here.
Questions? Please contact Kyron O’Brien at 402-968-0700 or email him at kyron72@hotmail.com.
Where does the money go?
Mustang Youth Basketball is a non-profit 501c3, In order to keep our fees low, we have to fundraise! Our 3 biggest fundraisers are the golf outing and our boys and girls basketball tournaments. These funds go to purchasing equipment, renting gym space, reducing our fees, league/tournament fees and most importantly scholarships for our families in need.